ConnectWise PSA Logo
ConnectWise PSA Logo

ConnectWise PSA

7.5 /10
ConnectWise PSA
7.5 /10

What is ConnectWise PSA?

Best practices in project management require two essential elements: collaboration and coordination. ConnectWise gives you both, ensuring a smooth-running project from beginning to end. Whatever you can imagine from a project management tool, you can do with ConnectWise and its integrated project management capabilities and system-generated templates.

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ConnectWise PSA Ratings

Real user data aggregated to summarize the product performance and customer experience.
Download the entire Product Scorecard to access more information on ConnectWise PSA.

83 Likeliness to Recommend

Since last award

87 Plan to Renew

Since last award

77 Satisfaction of Cost Relative to Value

Since last award


Emotional Footprint Overview

+72 Net Emotional Footprint

The emotional sentiment held by end users of the software based on their experience with the vendor. Responses are captured on an eight-point scale.

How much do users love ConnectWise PSA?

4% Negative
8% Neutral
88% Positive


  • Respectful
  • Reliable
  • Efficient Service
  • Fair


  • Slower Product Innovation
  • Leverages Incumbent Status

Feature Ratings

Average 76



Task Management and Workflow


Resource Management


Project Management


Team Collaboration




Time Management


Expense Detail Tracking






Process Automation


Vendor Capability Ratings

Average 74

Breadth of Features


Ease of IT Administration


Quality of Features


Business Value Created


Ease of Data Integration


Usability and Intuitiveness


Ease of Implementation


Ease of Customization


Availability and Quality of Training


Product Strategy and Rate of Improvement


Vendor Support


ConnectWise PSA Reviews

Parth M.

  • Role: Consultant
  • Industry: Consulting
  • Involvement: IT Development, Integration, and Administration
Validated Review
Verified Reviewer

Submitted Jul 2024

Comprehensive Ease to Use tool

Likeliness to Recommend

10 /10

What differentiates ConnectWise PSA from other similar products?

The effective ticket management feature which simplifies ticket creation ,tracking , and resolution makes it different from the competitors.The Robust reporting offers extensive reporting features allowing the data driven decision making that is far above from the competitors.

What is your favorite aspect of this product?

In my aspect it excels in providing a comprehensive suite of features for IT service providers and MSPs. It outperform the competition in terms of ticket management and time tracking, making my favourite aspect with complex service workflows.

What do you dislike most about this product?

In initial I find learning curve challenging due to its comprehensive feature set.Can improve the connectivity.

What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?

Businesses who want to upgrade or start can choose ConnectWise PSA as it sets apart by offering an all encompassing solution tailored specifically for IT service providers and MSPs.If business wants to prioritise comprehensive features and efficiency then go for this . It is worth considering.


  • Helps Innovate
  • Continually Improving Product
  • Reliable
  • Performance Enhancing

Tanvy A.

  • Role: Public Sector
  • Industry: Agriculture
  • Involvement: IT Leader or Manager
Validated Review
Verified Reviewer

Submitted May 2024

Easy to use software and good value of price

Likeliness to Recommend

7 /10

What differentiates ConnectWise PSA from other similar products?

ConnectWise works great for security purposes, like, backing up resources and troubleshooting. It’s very easy to access devices anytime no matter where you are remotely and it is reliable enough to provide a great connection for any kind of troubleshooting

What is your favorite aspect of this product?

My favourite aspect is security and the focus of the features of ConnectWise. It provides reliability even in the most basic tasks

What do you dislike most about this product?

I dislike the website of ConnectWise making it hectic to use for client support

What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?

I would recommend using it if you are looking for a software that is reliable for any troubleshooting task or backing processes or for securing data


  • Helps Innovate
  • Fair
  • Altruistic
  • Continually Improving Product

Sahil C.

  • Role: Finance
  • Industry: Education
  • Involvement: Business Leader or Manager
Validated Review
Verified Reviewer

Submitted May 2024

Ticketing system Project Management Tool

Likeliness to Recommend

8 /10

What differentiates ConnectWise PSA from other similar products?

1. Invoicing tool is very rare in project management tools which is of great help 2. Planner works efficiently 3. Quick versioning helps in better planning

What is your favorite aspect of this product?

1. Data Planner works efficiently 2. The user can raise tickets easily and it becomes easy to track the current progress of the tickets 3. Better UI than other project management tools

What do you dislike most about this product?

1. The cost aspect is something which turn away many customers 2. It involves a lot of complex features which might confuse people for once

What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?

If you have extra money to shell out and want a premium product then must go for this


  • Helps Innovate
  • Unique Features
  • Includes Product Enhancements
  • Continually Improving Product


  • Leverages Incumbent Status
  • Security Frustrates
  • Vendor Friendly Policies

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